Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Episode 84: Are you spoiling your kids?

Are you like me and you sometimes wonder if you're spoiling your kids? It sure seems easy to do in this world with instant gratification and so much s...

Monday, May 30, 2022 Episode 85: Go more natural, one step at a time!

Maybe you want to reduce the toxic load for your family and feed them better food, that is SO overwhelming! Is it even possible? Join me with guest...

Monday, May 16, 2022 Episode 83: Most important thing for homeschool moms to do

You do a LOT of important things. What do you think the most important one is? This is what I think EVERY homeschool mom needs to do most!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Episode 82: Are you raising leaders or followers?

Do you want your kids to be leaders or followers? Most of us would say leaders. But maybe there is more to it than that.

Monday, May 2, 2022 Episode 81: Why you need to meal plan even if you hate it

Do you enjoy meal planning? Many of us don't, and there is a good reason for that. But when you learn the skill of meal planning, it can bring so mu...

Monday, April 25, 2022 Episode 80: Why you REALLY don't have time for self-care

It's not because you are super busy, have lots of kids, too much to do...

Monday, April 18, 2022 Episode 79: How to Navigate the Road Less Traveled

When you seek for answers, sometimes that leads you to unconventional paths. As a homeschool mom, you've definitely stepped on that path, and you've...

Monday, April 11, 2022 Episode 78: Feel like your batteries are DEAD?

Just like a cell phone dies when you don't charge it, you need some recharging power in your life too!

Monday, April 4, 2022 Episode 77: Stress is a choice

Everyone does have stress in their lives, but you can control what it does to you. Join guest Julie Drake as she shares lots of tools to help you man...

Thursday, March 31, 2022 Episode 76: Are you failing your kids?

It happens to all moms, and especially homeschool moms, but are you really failing?

Monday, March 21, 2022 Episode 75: Enjoying the Freedom of Chores

Often we really just don't want to do chores, and our kids especially don't wanna. Join Freedom Mom, Ashley Buffa as she talks about how to create mor...

Monday, March 14, 2022 Episode 74: Why you don't always need to trust the experts

It's great to have experts show us how to do things, but sometimes that creates more anxiety than necessary!

About The Show

Living in unprecedented times calls for unprecedented ways for raising our kids. Join me as we navigate the path of the hero journey, as applied to our own lives and our children's lives! With a mix of interviews with hero-building parents and solo podcasts on a range of topics such as parenting, family life, homeschooling/education and entrepreneurship, you'll get new tips, learn new tools, and feel inspired! Together, let's go on our own hero journeys as we help redefine education and how to lead our own children on their paths. I'm here as your friend, ally and mentor on your hero journey! Learn more at https://www.buildingheroesacademy.com.

on 2/9/2021

I absolutely love this... this is a podcast that is so needed. The constant of life can place calluses on your spirit, listening to these podcasts, I know I can work towards being the mom I truly wish to be. I almost feel like Molly is holding my hand already and guiding me to build up my children as hero’s. My 3 children are 13, 10 and (days away from turning) 1 My older children came into my world and turned it upside down when they were 1 and 3 and I became their mom when they were 3 and 5... I also had 8 years of infertility (with my xhusband) and I was broken. I knew I wanted to be a mom and was so blessed to have them, I also still yearned to carry a child into this world. After the crazy of life hit us hard, we moved from New England to Louisiana (briefly) then onto Texas. We’ve been homeschooling for 6 years. And the emotional stress I feel I’m under most days, is beyond my capability to handle sometimes. Tired and stressed I turn to yelling, and thus as a result more stressed. I can see by the information Molly is providing, I will have some amazing spirit touched moments where I can make changes. I know so many of us are here, in this moment stuck and unsure of even how to do or see things differently, but Molly... this is gold. Thank you ❤️
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on 2/4/2021

I'm excited to hear more from Molly and her guest speakers. I've recently learned about Nicholeen Peck and I'm excited to learn more from her.
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on 2/3/2021

Molly has a great philosophy of how to encourage your children. She understands how to motivate without manipulating, and that's a really important skill to learn. Luckily, that skill doesn't apply to just homeschooling your kids--it's useful for dealing with people of all ages. Don't ignore this podcast if you are not a homeschooler, because it will still be helpful to you!
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